"A dark, complex tale that spirals into an enthralling ending. Generous liberates the werewolf from the onus of a tortured conscience and returns it to its rightful place as a gleeful, preternatural predator."
J. D. Horn, Wall Street Journal best-selling author of The Line and The King of Bones and Ashes
"The Great White North shows its teeth in this bloody good time."
William Meikle, author of the S-Squad series
When one gets away, the pack always finds them…
After the sudden death of their parents, the Gerber siblings take over the family farm, quickly learning that fending for themselves is much harder than they’d assumed. This hardship leaves them open to letting a strange man they’d rescued from winter’s clutches stay on for room and board, oblivious to the ferocious evil he’s carrying as well as ravenous beasts it will draw to their home.
Following a string of grisly chaos across the country, a private detective finds herself directly on the heels of a pack of spree killers she’d been paid to locate. But things aren’t as they seem; she never anticipated that she’d come face-to-face with a bloodthirsty pack of werewolves.